Tripod C Now
Data Types
November 25, 1999
John's home page

Basic C Data Types
TypeDescription 16 bit32 bit
charfixed point binary 1[0, 255]
[-128, 127]
1[0, 255]
[-128, 127]
intfixed point binary 2[-32768, 32767] 4[- 2147483648, 2147483647]
floatfloating-point binary 4(-3.40282347 * 1038, -1.17549435 * 10-38)
0, and
(1.17549435 * 10-38, 3.40282347 * 10-38)
4(-3.40282347 * 1038, -1.17549435 * 10-38)
0, and
(1.17549435 * 10-38, 3.40282347 * 10-38)
doublefloating-point binary 8(-1.7976931348623158 * 10308, -2.2250738585072014 * 10-308)
0, and
(2.2250738585072014 * 10-308, 1.7976931348623158 * 10308)
8(-1.7976931348623158 * 10308, -2.2250738585072014 * 10-308)
0, and
(2.2250738585072014 * 10-308, 1.7976931348623158 * 10308)

Modified C Data Types
TypeDescription 16 bit32 bit
signed charfixed point binary 1[-128, 127] 1[-128, 127]
unsigned charfixed point binary 1[0, 255] 1[0, 255]
shortfixed point binary 2[-32768, 32767] 2[-32768, 32767]
short intfixed point binary 2[-32768, 32767] 2[-32768, 32767]
short signed intfixed point binary 2[-32768, 32767] 2[-32768, 32767]
short unsigned intfixed point binary 2[0, 65537] 2[0, 65537]
signedfixed point binary 2[-32768, 32767] 4[- 2147483648, 2147483647]
signed intfixed point binary 2[-32768, 32767] 4[- 2147483648, 2147483647]
unsignedfixed point binary 2[0, 65535] 4[0, 4294967295]
unsigned intfixed point binary 2[0, 65535] 4[0, 4294967295]
longfixed point binary 4[-2147483648, 2147483647] 4[-2147483648, 2147483647]
signed longfixed point binary 4[-2147483648, 2147483647] 4[-2147483648, 2147483647]
unsigned longfixed point binary 4[0, 4294967295] 4[0, 4294967295]
long doublefloating-point binary 10(-1.1897314953572317649 * 104932, -3.362103143112094 * 10-4932)
0, and
(-3.362103143112094 * 10-4932, 1.1897314953572317649 * 104932)
10(-1.1897314953572317649 * 104932, -3.362103143112094 * 10-4932)
0, and
(-3.362103143112094 * 10-4932, 1.1897314953572317649 * 104932)

Symbolic Ranges*
TypeDescription Range
shortFixed point binary[0, MAXSHORT]
intFixed point binary[0, MAXINT]
longFixed point binary[0, MAXLONG]
floatFloating point binary(-MAXFLOAT, -MINFLOAT), 0, (MINFLOAT, MAXFLOAT)
doubleFloating point binary(-MAXDOUBLE, -MINDOUBLE), 0, (MINDOUBLE, MAXDOUBLE)
long doubleFloating point binary(-MAXLDOUBLE, -MINLDOUBLE), 0, (MINLDOUBLE, MAXLDOUBLE)
*These symbolic constants are defined in values.h.
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